Privacy Policy
As part of our continuing commitment to client service, the maintenance of client confidentiality and as required by law, Parrish Advisory Pty Ltd complies with the Privacy Act 1988 and conforms with the Parrish Advisory Privacy Policy. For further details please refer to the Parrish Advisory Privacy Policy.
Complaints Policy
We are committed to providing good service to our customers and your views are very important to us. If something goes wrong, we’re determined to make it right again. If you’ve had an experience that you are not satisfied with, please refer to the Parrish Advisory Complaints Policy.
Terms & Conditions
Terms and Conditions – Security and privacy statement
Parrish Financial Pty Ltd ABN 19 614 360 119 is an authorised representative of Parrish Advisory Pty Ltd ABN 51 616 430 623, AFSL 494108.
Acceptance and changes to terms and conditions
Your access to the Parrish Financial website ( is subject to:
These terms and conditions; and
Because of Parrish Financial’s relationship with Parrish Advisory, use of the Website is also subject to the Parrish Advisory Privacy Policy,
(together, these are called “Terms of Use”).
Your use of the website constitutes your agreement to these Terms of Use. These are the current terms and conditions. They replace any other terms and conditions for the website previously published on the website. Parrish Financial may at any time vary these terms and conditions by publishing the varied terms and conditions on the website. You accept that by doing this, Parrish Financial has provided you with sufficient notice of the variation. Parrish Financial reserves any rights not expressly granted in these terms and conditions.
Similarly, Parrish Advisory may at any time vary the Privacy Policy by publishing the varied policy on its website. You accept that by doing this, Parrish Advisory has provided you with sufficient notice of the variation.
Access for persons from Australia only
Parrish Advisory is not authorised to carry on business in any jurisdiction other than Australia. As a consequence, Parrish Financial is only authorised to provide financial advice and services in Australia. Accordingly, the information on the Website is directed to and available for Australian residents only.
General information only
The information on the website is of a general nature only and has been prepared without taking into account your, or any other investor’s, particular financial needs, circumstances and objectives. The information on the website should not be construed as financial, taxation or legal advice.
Parrish Financial recommends that you consult a financial adviser for advice that addresses your specific needs and situation before making investment decisions.
Accuracy of information, Website performance and limitation of liability
Parrish Financial does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or currency of information made available through the website.
Parrish Financial makes no warranty that the use or operation of the website will be uninterrupted or error-free or that the website is suitable for any particular purpose or has any performance, functionality or security features except as Parrish Financial is required to provide by law.
To the extent permitted by law, neither Parrish Financial nor Parrish Advisory and their respective employees, agents and authorised representatives will not be liable for or in connection with any loss or damage (including indirect, special or consequential loss or damage) arising from the use of, or reliance on, any information on the website whether or not caused by any negligent act or omission in information made available through the website. However, Parrish Financial will endeavour to ensure that information is updated as soon as practicable when it becomes aware that material changes have occurred.
Links to other websites
The website may have links to other websites, which are operated by third parties. These links are provided for your convenience and neither Parrish Financial nor Parrish Advisory endorses or approves the information, graphics and materials that may be contained on those websites.
Furthermore, neither Parrish Financial nor Parrish Advisory make any warranties or representations regarding the accuracy, quality or timeliness of such third-party information, graphics or materials. If you obtain goods or services from these third parties then it is at your own risk. You indemnify Parrish Financial and Parrish Advisory against all liability, loss, damage, cost and expense arising from or relating to your obtaining goods or services from a third party referred to in the website.
Parrish Financial recommends that you do not act on the information contained within these websites without obtaining financial advice.
Users of the website understand and agree that all disputes will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state in which Parrish Financial has its registered office, and all users and Parrish Financial submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of that state.
Parrish Financial and related logos are trademarks of Parrish Financial registered in Australia.
Copyright in the information provided on the website is owned by Parrish Financial unless specified otherwise in which case it has been reproduced with the consent of the copyright owner. You may not alter or modify copyright material (whether the copyright is owned by Parrish Financial or a third party) in any way. This information may be viewed online and may be reproduced in hard copy only for your personal reference.
You may only use the trade marks and copyright material on the website with Parrish Financial’s (and where relevant, the third party’s) express permission and in accordance with Parrish Financial’s (and any third party’s) directions from time to time. The use of, and creation of links to, the website (including use of Parrish Financial’s trade marks and copyright material and the trade marks and copyrights of any third party) are at the risk of the user and are subject to Parrish Financial’s (and any third party’s) rights and the user’s general legal obligations. Parrish Financial and Parrish Advisory a make no warranty and accept no liability in relation to use of the trademarks outside Australia. For further information about creating links to the website and about using Parrish Financial’s (and any third party’s) trademarks and other material, contact Parrish Financial on (07) 4053 2888.